NFC Logo

What is a "logo"?

The logo itself is a graphic element or emblem, which may be entirely graphically depicted or have an integrated accompanying text. It is a sign of identification of the uniqueness of a particular service, product, brand, company, institution, sports club, organization, etc. The logo and the name of the brand reflects to the unique nature of the organization, expressing its message from the very first sight with the audience.

What is NFC technology?

The NFC ("near-field communication") is a wireless communication for transferring data from one device to another at a distance of 1 cm. up to 4 cm. The main feature is that the connection is made automatically in less than a second, without any additional settings and configurations. The technology enables smartphones, tablets and other smart devices supporting NFC to exchange data with each other. The NFC technology works on radio frequency identification, used in various devices such as magnetic cards, high-tech accessories, chips, etc.

What is the "NFC logo"?

The innovation we have developed represents the integration of the NFC chip into various logos. By integrating the NFC chip into logos, we create identity and personalization by adding extra value to each logo. The NFC logo can be integrated into any type of textile or different types of accessories. It can be scanned via smartphone or other device that supports the NFC technology. After scanning the logo, the data stored in the NFC chip will be displayed immediately on the smart device.

The NFC chip can be modified unlimited times. We can upload different type of content depending on our client’s wishes.

Integrating an NFC chip into a textile logo you can add a significant value to your products. Keep up with the digital era and choose an innovative solution for your business or brand!

What are the benefits of the "NFC logo" in "Brand-protection"?         

Nowadays, with the abundance of goods and services on the market, it is becoming more and more difficult to impress and surprise your customers with new innovative products or services. The NFC logo can be the unique solution for your business!

The NFC logo can be used successfully in brand-protection helping to improve its positions, as building trust, reputation and future development. Your brand can be authenticate and customized by adding an extra value on your products using the NFC logo.

What are the benefits of the NFC logo?

  • Innovative technological product that adds value to a certain brand and their products;
  • It is suitable for sports clubs, brands, companies and organizations that aim to present their essence and goals in a unique and innovative way
  • Provides brand-protection, through the possibility of individual and immediate personalization of the certain digital content, managed by the brand
  • Ability to add text, photos, videos, links, contacts and other types of content, depending on the client's wishes;
  • All products are tested and can be machine-washed or dry-cleaned unlimited times;
  • Innovative NFC technology provides possibility for immediate, unlimited and simultaneous scanning from different devices;

What does the website offers you?

  • Creating an account for each of our customers where they can manage by themselves the content of the NFC logo;
  • The uploaded content to the NFC logo can be scheduled for a specific date and time;
  • The archived content of the NFC Logo is optional to be visible or hidden for the end user depending on the brand’s wishes;
  • Real-time report of the scanned logos/contents;



NFC Logo





About us

The NFC logo is innovative decision for your business. This is a combination between two completely opposite segments – the digital world and the textile industry.

The unique service is developed in 2021 by “Sport Respect Ltd.” - SportRespect.comThe main idea grew up as a result of years of experience in the field of e-commerce with sporting goods and our constant work with sports clubs, sports academies, organizations, etc. Looking for something unique satisfying the desire of our customers for constant development and improving of our service and range of products. In the process of development, we improved and increased our range of products, representing worldwide and renowned brands which let to providing a new service Branding of the product range. That’s how the idea for implementing the NFC technology into textiles was born.

The logo is a graphic element leading to certain identity by our innovative decision we added additional value together with the development of the digital era and the interests of the modern society. The nature of the product makes it extremely suitable for every brand, organization, company, etc. which presents the essence in a unique way by adding an additional value to the products. The NFC logo is a unique, unprecedented /undreamed-of/ unseen and flexible service which allows various ideas to gain a place in the digital world according to the goals and the customer needs. That’s not all! The NFC logo is your decision for “Brand Protection”, individual personalization, access control, proved origin and brand authenticity.

NFC Logo - Next Level Technology



